
Cystitis with Herbal Remedy

Disease name:Cystitis Patients Name: MS L. B. Age: 28 Gender: Female Date of visit: 11.12.2023 Chief complaint: Frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination for many years, worsening for two months. History of present illness: The patient began to suffer from frequent urination, urgency, and...

Sciatica Acupuncture

Disease name:Sciatica Patients Name: Mr. B.M. Age: 58 Gender: Male Date of visit: 24.01.2024 Chief complaint: Left lower limb pain for six years, worsening for two weeks History of present illness: The patient began to have pain in his left lower limb six years...

Dermatitis, Eczema case

Disease name:Dermatitis, Eczema Patients Name: D. P. Age: 34 Gender: Female Date of visit: 25.12.2023 Chief complaint: skin itches over 6 years. History of present illness: Itching of the skin of the abdomen in flushed spots and flakes for more than six years, sometimes...

Help Eczema by Acupuncture tree session

Patients Name: Mark R.       Age: 53       Gender: Male Date of visit: 27-10-2021 Chief complaint: The skin on both elbow fossa, popliteal fossa, and vulva perineum was flushed and itchy for seven months. History of present illness: The skin above the elbow fossa is flushed...

Acorus gramineus

Medical herbals of Chinese

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a discipline with a complete scientific theoretical system. Possess basic theory and clinical content. Specific treatment methods include internal treatment and external treatment. The internal treatment method is mainly Chinese herbal medicine; the external treatment method is mainly external use...

Stop Nasal polyps and Rhinitis in 1 way

PatientsName: Ms. M. G.      Age: 62 years old Date of visit: 2021-04-06 Chief complaint: Stuffy nose blocked and short breath for more than ten years.  History of present illness: She has a history of rhinitis, nasal polyps and asthma for ten years. The patient...

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Stop Long Covid by Chinese medicine cares in 1 way

What is long Covid? Stop Long Covid by Chinese medicine cares Long Covid is a term to describe the effects of Covid-19 that continue for weeks or months beyond the initial illness. The health watchdog NICE defines long Covid as lasting for more than...

chinese medicine delivery

Herbal Medicine Postal Services

We Are Now Offering Herbal Medicine Postal Services! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now offering herbal mailing services to homes. If you need such service, please Contact Us at Email: tcmdrcn@gmail.com WhatsApp: 00447787712197 Consultation PageHere Please prepare your enquiries such as your...

We Are Open

We have reopened since the July.of 2020. We will strictly disinfect and adopt aseptic operations, and we also hope that dear visitors wear masks.

What is PMDD or PMS

Premenstrualdysphoricdisorder (PMDD)is a health problem that is similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS) but is more serious. PMDD causes severe irritability, depression, or anxiety in the week or two before your period starts. Symptoms usually go away two to three days after your period starts....

Stop Stroke sequelae-in 1 way

Patients Name: Mr. M. B. Age: 48 years old (try do acupuncture for Stroke sequelae) Date of visit: 30-05-2019 Chief complaint: suffer stroke 19 months. History of present illness: suffered Stroke 19 months ago, resulting in limited limb movements on the left side,...

Master Seven Emotional Factors(about7)

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the relation between diseases and mental activities. Emotional mental activities are categorized as the seven emotional factors: 1.joy, 2.anger, 3.melancholy,4. worry, 5.grief, 6.fear, 7.and fright. They are the main pathogenic factors of endogenous diseases. A.The seven pathogenic emotions are physiological...


Since 18.05.2018, the clinic will be temporarily closed for one month due to employee’s holiday. This will inconvenience you. We apologize for this. TCM Yard Ltd


Stop Bell palsy in 1 minute

Patients Name: Ms. N. E.      Age: 27 years old Date of visit: 24.03.2018 Chief complaint: Right facial nerve palsy for 8 years. History of present illness: Right facial nerve palsy for 8 years, has been applied to a variety of methods of treatment, but...

L.P Gentle herbal 艾奥比

Product Name: Asiatic wormwood Plaster Specifications: 85mm x 110mm Structure performance: This product is made of heating material, Asiatic wormwood, angelica, ginger, non-woven, medical adhesive, packaging bags. The heating material composed of iron powder, activated carbon, vermicul ite, salt, polymer water absorbent resin. Product...

Aromatherapy massage

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.

Acupuncture-1 popular treatment

The image of the body being pierced by fine needles in an apparently random way is perhaps the stereotypical view of Chinese medicine. At face value, it must be difficult to imagine how this kind of treatment can benefit particular problems. For most people...

Vertigo case-1 common scary symptom

Patients Name Mr. D Amara, 31-years-old Date of visit: 30/09/2017 Chief complaint: vertigo two months and two weeks. History of present illness: suffered vertigo have been for over 6 weeks when bend forward left side down, accompanied with spin of around, no vomiting, nausea,...

Diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture

(Published by World Health Organization) Complete document currently available at http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/pdf/s4926e/s4926e.pdf The diseases or disorders for which acupuncture therapy has been tested in controlled clinical trials reported in the recent literature can be classified into four categories as shown below. Diseases, symptoms or conditions...


Cupping is a technique that is especially useful in the treatment of problems of local Qi, or Blood stagnation in the channels. It can also be very helpful in expelling the external pathogenic factor of Wind-Cold that can invade the Lungs. Cupping is an...

Prostatitis-Terrlble problem for 1 man

Prostatitis refers to prostate-specific and non-specific infection caused by acute and chronic inflammation, causing systemic or local symptoms. Prostatitis can be divided into non-specific bacterial prostatitis, idiopathic bacterial prostatitis (also known as prostate disease), specific prostatitis (from Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi, parasites, etc.),...

Deep tissue massage

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.

Auriculoterapia theraphy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.

Magnetic Stimulation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.

Androgenic alopecia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.

Abdominal Acupuncture

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.


Physiotherapy session

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.

Massage as therapy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt nunc lorem, nec faucibus mi facilisis eget. Mauris laoreet, nisl id faucibus pellentesque, mi mi tempor enim, sit amet interdum felis nibh a leo.